I’m really bothered by something. As I was coming home from work today, off the bus, I am greeted by an Austrailian Veteran of the United States—seemingly displaced by low-level income. He had a glass eye, some farmhand style poncho and a load of compliments. He called me handsome, smart and probably in the right for wearing my beat-up Nikes. Besides vowing to stay away from my girlfriend (since she’s already got a helluva guy) there was nothing of sustenance exchanged. Just the time our buses would arrive and a simple farewell. To many, this man would be written off as a forgettable loon. And maybe he is. But even loons have stories to tell, lessons to learn and regrets to cry over. I’m not upset by the fact that he approached me as high-school friends would at the end of a long school day—in fact, I rather appreciated his kindness in a way. No, what upsets me is the fact that I’ve allowed myself to be so bitter to disallow any further interaction with him. I could’ve taken the 780. It’s final stop is only a couple more blocks than the 180’s. That’s not going to kill me. Yet, because of both the unpredictable Corona Virus and the unwarranted friendliness this absolute stranger presented me, I found myself stuck in default rejection mode. Don’t take in anything foreign. Don’t heed anything new seriously. Don’t be curious. Don’t wonder. Just do things as you’ve always been told to do things. Sure nothing better may happen but also nothing worse can either. I hate all of that. This very mindset that has only been drastically reinvigorated by the latest pandemic is at it’s core what I hate about humanity the most. Being predictable. Being aloof. Not showing some care or respect for your fellow man or woman. Not even offering them the decency of a fucking handshake as a means of thanking them for saying hello. Goddamn, how insecure are we all naturally to assume with ego that we’re too important (to somebody) to die so lamely. Hardest of all, I have to face that not only I’m affected by this repulsive nature and it’s therefore forever nocturnally embedded in my soul… I gotta respect that some people are ALWAYS LIKE THIS and will never change. If you happen to read this, then do me a favor. Strike up a conversation with said individual. Sure you may catch something… But what if you catch something wonderful? Wouldn’t you want to take that bus to find out?